Donor Charter

As a charity seeking donations from the public we, The Caroline Foundation, aim to comply with the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising. We confirm that our Foundation commits to the following Donor Charter as recommended by ICTR which provides leadership and support within the Irish Charity Sector:

Our pledge is to treat all our donors with respect, honesty and openness.

We commit to being accountable and transparent so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in The Caroline Foundation.

We promise we will effectively apply your gifts to us for their intended purposes.

We commit that you, our donors and prospective donors will:

  • BE informed of our mission and assured that all monies raised go to fund an additional research scientist(s) on the Cancer Clinical Research Trust team.
  • BE informed of the identity of those serving on the Foundation’s committee and that the committee will exercise prudent judgement in its stewardship responsibilities.
  • HAVE access to the Foundation’s most recent financial statements.
  • BE assured your gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
  • RECEIVE appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
  • BE assured that information about your donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
  • EXPECT that all relationships with individuals representing the charity will be dealt with professionally.
  • HAVE easily available the agreed procedures for making and responding to complaints.
  • BE assured that the Foundation will not share the mailing lists with third parties.
  • RECEIVE prompt, truthful and forthright answers to questions you might have of the Foundation.

The Caroline Foundation complies with the above commitments through its website. For any information OR any comment regarding our Foundation please contact:


THE CAROLINE FOUNDATION is committed to complying with the Statement for Guiding Principles for Fundraising and has formally discussed and adopted the Statement at a meeting of the committee.

The Caroline Foundation considers the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising when planning all fundraising activity.

The Caroline Foundation provides honest, open and transparent disclosure when fundraising from the public.

The Caroline Foundation ensures that fundraising volunteers are provided with information and training on the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising and its implementation.

The Caroline Foundation ensures that all donations are tracked and recorded and complies with data protection requirements.

The Caroline Foundation is accessible to the public through a number of readily available contact options published on our website .


Financial Controls

The Caroline Foundation adheres to the Guiding Principles for Fundraising of Cancer Clinical Research Trust. Any fundraising event must have prior approval of CCRT.

The fundraising work of The Caroline Foundation has evolved around three or four annual events. Once a decision is made to run an event a shared internal on-line document is opened to record income, costs, etc. specific to each event. For the most part donations made through these events are done on-line; by direct bank transfer or by cheque posted to CCRT. In all cases payments can be traced to The Caroline Foundation Account within CCRT account

Each payment, irrespective of how it is made, is immediately recorded on this shared internal document so all members of TCF committee are cognisant of all matters pertaining to each event.

Sponsorship Cards

When sponsorship cards are being used for a fundraiser- e.g. charity runs, each card is numbered, a log is kept of those to whom they are issued and The Caroline Foundation always requests return of cards.

Donated Items

When items are donated for raffle or auction, a log is kept of each item and acknowledged.

Cash and Non Cash Handling

In general cash (including cheques, postal orders, drafts, credit card and gift card donation) is recorded at point of entry and should be capable of being traced through to The Caroline Foundation account within CCRT account;

It is the policy of The Caroline Foundation to actively encourage on-line, direct bank transfer or postal donations. Postal donations are sent to CCRT Office, 3rd Floor, Medical Oncology Department, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4.

In instances where donors do not wish to avail of on-line facilities, bank transfer or make a postal donation The Caroline Foundation adheres to the key principles governing cash handling as outlined by ICTR and CCRT are as follows:

Cash Handling and Fundraising Events

 It is policy of The Caroline Foundation to:

  1. Endeavour to process registration fees or sell any tickets prior to an event to reduce the need for cash collection on the day of an event.
  2. Make pricing of tickets or goods for sale sensible (for example, 50 cent, €1,€10, €100 etc)
  3. Nominate one individual with overall responsibility for overseeing cash handling. It is the responsibility of named individual to ensure that at least two people are present  when money is counted and each sign off on  total collected.
  4. Consider ways in which cash can be held securely, for example, through the use of money belts or secured buckets.


Collection Buckets

  1. Collection buckets must have sealed lids and feature The Caroline Foundation logo and CCRT Charity Number – CHY 12210
  2. The Caroline Foundation designates two individuals with overall responsibility for ensuring that each collector signs a “Sign In” and “Sign Out” form to ensure that no bucket has been tampered with in any way.
  3. Two designated individuals and one other count the collection, record the amount (i.e. income summary) and the process is completed with signatures from the two counters.
  4. Money is stored in secure place and banked as soon as possible. At the earliest possible date a reconciliation is made between cash banked and the income summaries.

Ticket Sales

  1. Records are kept of quantities of tickets or programmes issued to sellers.
  2. Unsold tickets or programmes are returned and reconciled with the record of cash received from each seller.
  3. Discrepancies should be investigated without delay.
  4. To avoid sellers accumulating significant amounts of cash, pre-designated collectors should collect cash.
  5. All final amounts including floats are collected and recorded from all locations at the end of an event.

Fundraising by Others for The Caroline Foundation

Any fundraising event must have prior approval of CCRT. Persons undertaking a fundraiser on behalf of The Caroline Foundation who are not personally known to the committee members must provide the following to CCRT:

  1. Letter/Email of intent to fundraise
  2. Proof of photographic ID (driver’s licence, passport etc.)
  3. Proof of address (utility bill or credit card statement – less than 6 months old)

Upon approval, the fundraiser will receive an endorsement letter and any marketing materials that may be helpful in their efforts.

It is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure that they have the appropriate insurance cover for their event.

Where a donor has conducted a fundraising event without prior notification to the charity, they should be informed of the value of informing the charity in advance for any future activities.

Compliance with the Charities Act 2009 is of utmost importance to The Caroline Foundation.

Postal Donations to The Caroline Foundation

All postal donations are directed to CCRT Office, 3rd Floor, Medical Oncology Department, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4 and can be traced through to The Caroline Foundation account within CCRT account. The donor will receive an e-mail acknowledgement of monies received from CCRT office and a receipt if it is requested.

On-line Donations to The Caroline Foundation

On-line donations to The Caroline Foundation are facilitated through The Caroline Foundation Website and CCRT Website and can be traced through to The Caroline Foundation account within CCRT account. The donor will receive an e-mail acknowledgement of monies received from CCRT office and a receipt if it is requested.

Direct Bank Transfers

Donations made by Direct Bank Transfers to The Caroline Foundation are made through CCRT account number and can be traced through to The Caroline Foundation account within CCRT account. CCRT Office will issue an e-mail acknowledgement of monies received and a receipt if it is requested.

Financial Reports

All Foundation accounts are audited with Cancer Clinical Research Trust accounts and are included in the Annual Reports issued to CRO.